Thursday, January 15, 2009

in the hospital...

Here I am, in the hospital. The surgery took about 4+ hours. I had a rough first night, so I stayed in the hospital 2 nights. I just didn't want to go home after having trouble breathing. Here's a profile shot with a wrapped up chin. The second picture is me trying to smile. And the third picture is of my nose, it's shorter and a little upturned. I'm going to try to post some before pictures but I would like to get some comparison shots lined up over time. Those seem to be the most helpful.

Here's profile picture taken the night before surgery. I usually jut my chin out to make it look more pronounced but I think I wanted to show the full effect. I wish there wasn't a shadow in the picture. Maybe during this time off I can work on photo shop or something!

Anyway, it's really hard to see anything in these pictures. He was going to move my upper jaw 6mm forward and 4mm up, lower 8-10mm forward and chin 16mm forward. I must say I left the hospital feeling cute. Maybe with all the swelling and my shorter nose, I just felt cuter than usual??

That's all for now, I'm feeling like I need another vicodin!


Katherine said...

Just saying hi. You look suprisingly comfortable, given the wrap around ice pack and all. :)

mukijl said...

You made it!!!!! So happy you are writing and catching up with your blog fans---your facial features look really great post surgery----this is so encouraging.
Rest up; hope you are noticing a difference in the quality of your sleep.
Take care,

laura said...

Your nose looks so cute! Isn't it funny now it does that when the bones change underneath.