Well besides my trip to the oral surgeon last Monday, today was my first time out. Tom and I went out to our Sunday night prayer group. First of all, I'm at that stage where I don't feel like I look too swollen, I feel more like I look strange - like a female version of Richard Nixon. Secondly, it's weird when in my mind all I can think about is how I look and no one really said anything about that. Just how I was feeling and doing. I felt like everyone was feeling sorry for me, like there wasn't that much change and I didn't look better, I looked worse, etc... Of course, no one is probably thinking about me at all!
Tom and I stopped at Marshall's to exchange some yoga pants and I wondered what it would be like to be seen in public. As soon as I walked in the guy behind the counter waves at me, and I think "I guess I still look like Elaine!". It was kind of funny, especially because of all the 'conversations' about identity I've read and heard and discussed with some of you! It was okay.
I think I had some hopes that if I finally had more balance in my face I would be much prettier and I'm just not feeling that way at all! I don't think I'm being fair to myself because I am not done healing at all. I know from going through another recovery from laser surgery over a year ago, that there are definite stages. Excitement (the swelling hides a lot of flaws), hope, disappointment (as the swelling goes down and the flaws reappear), and then acceptance. I remember feeling embarrassed the first time I went out after my last surgery. I was with a group of women and talked about it, though. Tonight I didn't really need to I guess. It's good to come home and 'talk' with you all though.
Here's the other strange thing... my nose is really crooked. I was thinking it was from the swelling, and I still hope it is. However, it feels like the bone is attached toward the right. Before the jaw advancement this was hidden in my then, longer nose. Now, the nose lands right where the bone attaches. My husband thinks we'll have to have this fixed in some way. I just think it's kindof funny. My nose never looked crooked before. Go figure. I was in an accident when I was 6 where I was hit in the face with a moving teetertotter on a swingset. I needed 50 stitches from my nose to my lip. My lip is crooked and I have some lines under my nose. They were straight and now they are slightly lifted. So interesting what happens to the face when bones are moved! Anyway, I'm hoping the nose straightens when the swelling goes down and we don't have to do anymore surgery. The good news is my brother-in-law (Tom's brother) is a plastic surgeon so he could probably just shave a little of the bone or something!
I'm rambling but that's what's on my mind right now. Feeling a little like I just want to stay home a while longer... not quite ready to face the world yet!